Friday, June 2, 2006

Silly Tank!

Loves his new Aloha-print squeaky toy.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

El Tanko Libre!

When we're not home, we have been crating Tank mainly for a few reasons: 1) to provide a haven of security for him while we're away; 2) not knowing his past history, we were unsure of destructive habits (although he hasn't shown any signs); and 3) possible separation anxiety and potential results (injuring himself, damage to furniture & objects around house, etc.).

After a series of test runs, we are happy to say that Tank is crate-free and is just a big lazy, sleepy dog on the couch while we're away. The crate is still accessible for him with the door open in case he chooses to hangout in there, which he does most nights to snooze, like in the picture above.